September 2023
Performance Report
Vedant Madane (1719)
Sr No. |
Date |
Task |
1 |
01-09-2023 |
1. Make geometry valid: UPDATE dig_poc set geom = ST_MakeValid(geom); |
2 |
04-09-2023 |
During data analysis of Jan Labh portal data analysis for insights, it was found out that: 1. More Females use JanLabh than Males and Transgender combined. This shows that there is no gender bias and our application is accessible to all gender demographics. 2. Only 3.46% of the users said they owned agricultural land. 3. A little more than 1/3rd of the users are using the application on behalf of their parents: Code can be found at the below link: |
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05-09-2023 |
Started working on the presentation for communicating the findings obtained during the Jan Labh data analysis: 4. Demographics: The average age of the user is 17 years. Next we considered only the age interval of 10 to 35 years as our dataset contains values from -8 to 80 5. Plotted the statistical distribution of ration cards on a bar graph among our user base to gauge their economic standing 6. Wrote functions in python that can check the validity of Aadhaar card numbers and check validity Indian mobile phone numbers. The documentation of JanLabh data analysis for easy reproducibility can be found at the below link: |
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06-09-2023 |
Wrote queries for: All polygon intersections: select (ST_intersection(a.geom, b.geom)) from dig_poc a, dig_poc b where ST_Intersects (a.geom,b.geom) AND a.applicationid<>b.applicationid ; All geometric column: select geom from dig_poc; |
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08-09-2023 |
MYSQL TO SHAPEFILE Conversion: First open cmd as administrator and give the "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.26.1\bin" path i.e path for ogr2ogr. and the write the bellow commands for example 3 point. ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" C:/......./pms/pms.shp MySQL:dbgeom,host=webgis.bla.intern,user=bla,password=bla tablename -lco engine=MYISAM ========================================================================================================================= ogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" D:/Vanmitra/GeoJSON/pending15may.shp MySQL:MAHAVAN_GIS_PROD,host=,user=digvijayp,password=Digv1j@yP## pending_applications_15May -lco engine=MYISAM -skipfailures |
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11-09-2023 |
First open cmd as administrator and give the "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.26.1\bin" path i.e path for ogr2ogr. and the write the bellow commands for example 3 point.
SHAPEFILE TO MYSQL 1. C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.26.1\bin>ogr2ogr.exe -f "MySQL" MySQL:"MAHAVAN_GIS_PROD,host=,user=mahav,password=mahav" -nln "PMC_GIS_DATA" "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\OSGeo4W\PMC_PCMC_MC.shp" -skipfailures
2. C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.26.1\bin>ogr2ogr.exe -f "MySQL" MySQL:"GIS_VM_DB,host=,user=writer,password=Wr1t3r#123" -nln "MSCIT_2011" "D:\SOLAR\Shapefiles\MSCIT_Centres_2021.shp" -skipfailures
3. ogr2ogr.exe -f "MySQL" MySQL:"GIS_VM_DB,host=,user=writer,password=Wr1t3r#123" -nln "sangli" "D:\SOLAR\Proj-Sangli\Shapefile\centerLocationDetails.shp" -skipfailures
ogr2ogr -skipfailures -f "MySQL" MySQL:"GIS_VM_DB,host=,user=writer,password=Wr1t3r#123" -nln "Vill_pop_2011" -update -overwrite -t_srs EPSG:4326 -lco engine=INNODB "D:\SOLAR\Shapefiles\MSCIT_Centres_2021.shp" ogr2ogr -f "MySQL" MySQL:"GIS_VM_DB,host=,user=writer,password=Wr1t3r#123" -nln "map" -a_srs "EPSG:4683" map.shp -overwrite -addfields -fieldTypeToString All -lco ENGINE=MyISAM |
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12-09-2023 |
Use below method for identifying the irregular polygons ----------------------------------------------------------- First create a column "irregular" with default values = 0 not null --------------------------------------------------------- update TableName set irregular = 1 WHERE (enter the where condition of below queries) ------------------------------------------------------------- For major area polygons: ST_Area(geom,true) as UTM_geom_Area_sqm, ST_Perimeter(geom,true) as UTM_geom_Peri, ST_Area(geom,true)/ST_Perimeter(geom,true) as ratio ,geom from gisrecords as g1 where (ST_Area(geom,true)/ST_Perimeter(geom,true) < 3 and ST_Perimeter(geom,true)>1) AND area > '0.03' --------------------------------------------------- For less than 0.03 hec area: Select applicationid,status,area,areatype, ST_Area(geom,true) as UTM_geom_Area_sqm, ST_Perimeter(geom,true) as UTM_geom_Peri, ST_Area(geom,true)/ST_Perimeter(geom,true) as ratio ,geom from gisrecords as g1 where (ST_Area(geom,true)/ST_Perimeter(geom,true) < 1.4 and ST_Perimeter(geom,true)>1) AND area < '0.03' -------------------------------------------------------------- For excluding very big polygons: UPDATE gisrecords SET irregular = 1 WHERE (st_perimeter(geom,true) > 1500 and (ST_Area(geom,true)/ST_Perimeter(geom,true) > 3)) |
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14-09-2023 |
Export Data from MySQL to ShapeFile: Shape file has been created. Visualize in QGIS after opening the shape file there. First, we have to convert shape file to postGRes SQL table with the help of DB Manager plugin in QGIS. In that table, first we have to identify irregular polygons. Create column. Update status, as there are null values. Impute the null values with 'No status'. There are 2 ways to identify overlapping polygons between MP Forest data and MP VanMitra: in PostGRES or in QGIS. PostGRes: Query using intersect and intersection. Modify and use queries by trial and error. QGIS Method: Export the table into shape file with the help of DB Manager, or by establishing connection. After obtaining shape file of the date, then split it into 2. Before splitting into 2, remove the irregular polygons in the shape file. 1st: Forest Data 2nd: VanMitra Data Search by location tool in vector : (within, intersects, contains). Load both tool in side. The selected features that intersect/overlap in that layer is the output. Then, if it is asked which polygons? Then export this result in CSV, XML, XLSX or plain text. |
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15-09-2023 |
You can access the GeoServer using the following: URL: Username: admin Password: geoserver. |
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18-09-2023 |
Following are all the relevant details regarding the databases and the GeoServer hosted on the GIS VM: You can connect to the MySQL DB using SQLYog (or any other client of your choice) using the following details: IP: Port: 3306 Username: writer Password: Wr1t3r#123 Database: GIS_VM_DB |
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21-09-2023 |
You can connect to the PostgreSQL DB using the client of your choice (pgAdmin, psql, etc.) using the following details: IP: Port: 5432 Username: geoserver Password: geoserver#123 Database: postgres |
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22-09-2023 |
GeoServer can be accessed using the following login credentials: URL: . Username: admin. Password: geoserver. |
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25-09-2023 |
A MySQL database server is hosted on the GIS VM. Anyone can connect to the MySQL DB using SQLYog (or any other client of your choice) using the following details: * IP: * Port: 3306 * Username: writer * Password: Wr1t3r#123 * Database: GIS_VM_DB . |
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26-09-2023 |
A PostgreSQL database server has also been hosted on the geographical information system virtual machine (GIS VM.) You can connect to the PostgreSQL DB using any client of your choice. This client could be pgAdmin (Postgres Admin written in PHP) or psql, etc. where the connection is established using the following details: IP: . Port: 5432 . Username: geoserver . Password: geoserver#123 . Database: postgres . |
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27-09-2023 |
Recorded 6 minute 11 seconds long practice/demonstration video after inculcating feedback from AnupamN and AnandKu sirs. This video can be reviewed on this link: . The presentation used in the video is: . The script spoken from in the video is available here: . The subject of the recording or the topic covered in the video is: AI-enabled Classification of marksheets and certificates. |
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29-09-2023 |
Created a GIF (graphic interchange format) video with no sound on the request of Deepti Vyas madam. She wanted "if you use any ai too I need tool name with video (30-40 sec.)" This video of 30 to 40 seconds which was required can be accessed here: . |