3224 minutes Watching courses in April April 2021 Your monthly digest Hi Vedant, Here are your stats from April on Pluralsight. Note: Your monthly total may not include unsynced courses watched offline. 3224 minutes Watching courses in April That’s like watching 157 episodes of The Office. Good choice!

3224 minutes
Up from March
We are tracking your progress month to month. Keep up your progress!
3224 minutes Total over the past 3 months Nice, that's an average of 1074 minutes per month.

Video clips completed
You’re on your way to skilling up in stellar ways!
Python Most viewed subject Right on, the next step is finding ways to apply all that you’re learning. View your profile

16 Days Monthly record learning streak April 15 - April 30

Courses you started You’ve made some progress on these courses in April. Finish them out to get all they have to offer. Getting Started with the Python Standard Library

Python Best Practices for Code Quality 	

Design Patterns with Python 	


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